Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Texas Man Arrested For 'Hunting Season' Plot To Assassinate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez During US Capitol Riots

One of the men who stormed the U.S. Capitol Building in the Washington, D.C.-based MAGA riot that took place earlier this month had apparently been making plans to try to assassinate Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

According to the Department of Justice, and reported on Saturday by TMZ among others, the New York Congresswoman was apparently being specifically targeted by rioters on the day of the siege, hoping to run into her and do awful things.

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The rioter in question here is a man named Garrett Miller, of Texas, who was arrested after allegedly posting online death threats against AOC on the day of the riots. In one threat, he allegedly said that it was “hunting season,” and he sent out a tweet at one point that allegedly simply said “assassinate AOC.” Ugh. Monsters…

In addition to the reported AOC threats, Miller allegedly threatened the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, the San Diego woman who was killed as part of the insurrection into entering the Capitol Building against the orders of the Capitol Police on the scene. In that case, Miller allegedly said the officer “deserved to die” and was messaging things like “civil war could start,” and “next time we bring the guns.” Um… WOW…

Miller faces a host of other charges in regards to trespassing and other issues related to his presence at the Capitol Building on that fateful early January day, as well. It’s interesting, because AOC has previously said just how serious and deadly this whole thing felt — and how she wondered whether her life were in danger — and it turns out there was a very, very real threat inside the Capitol that was up to no good.

What can we even say about this? It’s disgraceful, dangerous, treasonous behavior, and it’s just more proof that the people who rioted and stormed the Capitol on that day earlier this month were truly up to no good. Sickening, disgusting, and scary all around. Honestly, we are lucky things didn’t turn out far worse than they did by the end of it all. And of course, our now-former President will never take responsibility for it or own up to his role in causing the mayhem and furiously fanning the flames… Sigh…

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What do U think about these new charges and all, Perezcious readers? Any reactions to this new news about yet another right-wing MAGA type hauled off and arrested for actions during the insurrection?

Glad to see that more and more of these scumbags are getting attention from the feds for things they allegedly did — and were planning on trying to do — inside the United States Capitol Building. There are NOT patriots!!!

[Image via WENN/Instar]