Watch the beauty and LOLs!/hqdefault.jpg" /> The Most STUNNING Tour Of Downton Los Angeles! | Perez Hilton And Family - Perez Hilton
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The Most STUNNING Tour Of Downton Los Angeles! | Perez Hilton And Family

The Most STUNNING Tour Of Downton Los Angeles! | Perez Hilton And Family

We’re not exaggerating. Perez must have said “stunning” in this video at least 20 times! And this day was! We took the kids on a thorough tour of downtown Los Angeles and we did more in a few hours than in all of our 19 years living here! Stunning buildings! Yummy food! A mini thrill ride! And lots of history to share with the children! Momma Perez got a special treat at the end too! Everyone was very happy today. And of course there was drama and tears too!

Watch the beauty and LOLs!



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Nov 01, 2021 09:30am PDT