Natalie Holmes

William H. Macy On College Admissions Scandal: 'Our Oldest Daughter Has Certainly Paid The Dearest Price'

The full effects of the college admissions scandal are still being felt and hashed out by all parties involved — most notably the families at the center of it all who are now facing possible jail time, as is the case with Felicity Huffman Macy.

The actress’ husband, 69-year-old William H. Macy, has now popped up in the news cycle after a letter of support he wrote for his 56-year-old wife was made public this week. The letter, sent to the judge in the case as part of a series that also included words from Eva Longoria and other stars, seeks to minimize Huffman’s potential jail time and paint her as a good mother.

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It’s clear in reading the letter that Macy has a lot of love for his wife — and a lot of concern for her well-being as she’ll soon face her consequences in the far-reaching college admissions scandal.

At one point, the Shameless star writes how his beloved wife’s relationship with daughters Sophia (19) and Georgia (17) “exploded” after it was discovered what she’d been doing to boost their SAT scores (below):

“To be sure Felicity’s relationship with her daughters exploded on March 12th and rebuilding that relationship will be a long process. But I also want you to know Felicity has raised two amazing young women. After her arrest Felicity found a wonderful family therapist and we’ve all been going (in various combinations) for the last few months. There is much to be done, and some of the hurt and anger will take years to work through, but we are making progress.”

Wow. Home life sure hasn’t gotten back to normal for the Huffman Macy family, that’s for sure.

And judging by the sound of this letter… it may never get back to normal. Ugh.

Huffman owned up to her role in the scandal in an emotionally-charged day in a Boston courtroom. / (c) WENN

Macy goes on to explain how Sophia was the most affected one by the entire scandal, sharing scary details about her experience with the aftermath of everything (below):

“Our oldest daughter Sophia has certainly paid the dearest price. From the devastation of that day, Sophia is slowly regaining her equilibrium and getting on with her life. She still doesn’t like to sleep alone and has nightmares from the FBI agents waking her that morning with guns drawn.”


Related: Huffman’s Daughter Incredulous Mom Would Cheat For Her

We can’t even imagine what this family has had to go through — Huffman’s own fault, by the way, at least as far as she definitely did something illegal and owned up to it!!!! But still, what a brutal time to suffer through all of this, and so publicly, too.

Hopefully they can get back on track soon enough…

[Image via WENN]