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Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie Reveals Daughters' Recent Surgeries -- So That's Why Brad Pitt Took A Break From Award Season!

Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Daughters Zahara Shiloh Surgery Essay

Angelina Jolie does not often open up about her children, but for International Women’s Day she made a big exception.

“Writing from the hospital” for Time magazine, the Maleficent star got candid about medical maladies two of her daughters had been suffering and how brave they — and their kid sister — had been during this trying time.

She began:

“I have spent the last two months in and out of surgeries with my eldest daughter, and days ago watched her younger sister go under the knife for a hip surgery.”

In and out of surgeries??

Angie’s eldest at 15 years old is Zahara. We don’t know anything about any medical condition which would require the teen to have multiple surgeries. How scary!

Innerestingly this actually answered a question we had from earlier this year about Brad Pitt

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Throughout the rest of award season, the Once Upon A Time In Hollywood star was slaying every red carpet and acing every acceptance speech. But for the BAFTAs he had co-star Margot Robbie read a speech on his behalf. She said at the time he had “family obligations.”

According to a source spilling to Us Weekly, those obligations were being there for Zahara. Awww!

We assume he was also close by during the more recent health scare; by her “younger sister” it seems clear Angelina is referring to 13-year-old Shiloh. She writes:

“I have watched my daughters care for one another. My youngest daughter studied the nurses with her sister, and then assisted the next time. I saw how all my girls so easily stopped everything and put each other first, and felt the joy of being of service to those they love.”

Seeing as her youngest is Vivienne (11), that narrows it down to middle sister Shiloh having the hip surgery; it also matches the fact the tween was seen walking on crutches over the weekend.

Angie assured readers her daughters knew about and approved this essay because:

“They understand that going through medical challenges and fighting to survive and heal is something to be proud of.”

Makes sense seeing as their mother famously spoke up about her double mastectomy a few years ago after a breast cancer scare.

Angelina continued:

“I also watched them their face fears with a resolute bravery. We all know that moment when no one else can help us, and all we can do is close our eyes and breathe. When only we can take the next step or breath through the pain, so we steady ourselves and do it.”

So sad the girls have to go through that.

Thankfully it sounds like they’re caring for one another really well, but it was this care which caused Angie to reflect on many who are less fortunate:

“Someone said to me, when they saw my daughters caring for each other, that ‘it comes naturally to girls.’ I smiled, but then I thought of how often that notion is abused. The little girl is expected to take care of others. The woman she grows up to be will be expected to give, and care for, and sacrifice. Girls are often conditioned to think that they are good only when they serve others, and selfish or wrong if ever they focus on their own needs and desires. Little girls’ softness, their openness and instinct to nurture and help others, must be appreciated and not abused. We must do much more to protect them, in all societies: not only against the extreme ways girls’ rights are often violated, but also the more subtle injustices and attitudes that so often go unnoticed or excused.”

She then spoke directly to all the little girls of the world, saying:

“And my message to girls is, fight on, little ladies. Your care for each other will be a large part of your way forward. Hold your nerve. Know your rights. And never let anyone tell you that you are not precious and special and, above all, equal.”

Hear, hear!

[Image via KIKA/WENN/Avalon.]

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Mar 10, 2020 06:17am PDT