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B.B. King's Massive Estate Fight Is Turning Into A Bloodbath!

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It’s so sad to see a family in turmoil!
According to The Hollywood Reporter, B.B. King‘s eleven children are fighting the late singer’s estate trustee for LOTS of money. The children allege their father’s net worth is between $30 million and $40 million.
Related: B.B. King’s Top 10 Most Memorable Songs
What’s especially crazy about this situation is, the kids in question (eleven out of fifteen), were never technically proven to be the icon’s. Apparently an AUTHORIZED biographer once alleged that B.B.’s sperm count was too low to ever produce children. It’s interesting because his two marriages never bore kiddos.
Despite the bizarre paternity situation, another bone of contention in this mess is that the musician’s estate might not be worth the large amount the family contends.
The creative’s longtime business manager, LaVerne Toney, filed docs claiming her client only has $5 million dollars stretched across multiple bank accounts. LaVerne also alleges she’s simply following a 2014 trust which names the children as beneficiaries but not in the sense of monetary gifts.
As for the children, they’re fighting for an alleged 2007 will and trust which provides them with LARGE monetary allowances. The group has hired lawyers and they’ve started a litigation process that could take YEARS.
One of B.B.’s kids, Riley B. King, angrily stated:

“My dad told us, ‘Even when I’m gone, I’m gonna take care of you.’ But we haven’t received a dime since he died. We got a lawyer, and we are trying to fight and get what belongs to us.”

To matters even more tricky, more people have come forward to claim themselves as the musician’s children. A few of King’s kids also tried to sue their dad’s personal manager for allegedly poisoning him, a suit which was eventually dismissed.
We just hope this situation gets worked out sooner than later. It sounds like one big and unnecessary headache!
[Image via WENN.]

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May 26, 2016 16:06pm PDT

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