Ahhh, true love… you know, the kind where you don’t pick your soul mate, you’re just indelibly connected to them immediately! That’s the good stuff!
And when you’re a celeb, sometimes true love happens in the weirdest and most unexpected of instances. Sure, you could be an A-lister attracted to another high-profile famous person, but where’s the fun in that — besides, you know, likely giving us plenty of juicy gossip to write about?! LOLz! After all, true love doesn’t see celebrity status, or money, or influence, or fame… it only sees perfection in the other person, no matter where they may be in life!
Related: Here Are The Most Elaborate Gifts Ever Given By Celebrities!
To that end, some celebs have found true love in the unlikeliest of places: the real world! Sure, one half of the romantic partnership may be super-famous and recognized worldwide while the other half is as normal as can be, just your Average Joe or Jane. But there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that if both people see eye to eye and have a mutual romantic connection!
In these celebs’ cases (below), they either first met or totally fell in love with normal people who were the furthest thing from celebrities! And we’re happy to report that many of them are still happy as can be, coupling up for the long haul with their totally-normal better halves!
Could you even imagine?! Bet you didn’t know some of the A-list superstars on this list who had a thing for the boy or girl next door! What a whirlwind relationship some of these must have been for the “normal” person involved with such a high-profile second half… truly a Hollywood ending in a lot of cases!
After all, most fans can only dream of meeting their celebrity crushes, and countless young fans have wasted many a day dreaming of falling in love with their high-profile crush… but there are a select few who have been lucky enough to date and even marry a star, and those can be found at the link (below)! So amazing!
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrities Who’ve Fallen For Their Fans & Normal Folk!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrities Who’ve Fallen For Their Fans & Normal Folk!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrities Who’ve Fallen For Their Fans & Normal Folk!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrities Who’ve Fallen For Their Fans & Normal Folk!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrities Who’ve Fallen For Their Fans & Normal Folk!”