This can’t be easy for him to talk about, but we’re glad he’s strong enough to share his story!
Cesar Millan seemed like a very happy guy…but then a sudden flurry of negative events turned his dream life into a nightmare!
First, his beloved pit bull Daddy died. Then his wife of sixteen years told him she wanted a divorce. And finally, he realized he had neglected his finances, and was now in big financial trouble.
Cesar had the following to say about this disastrous series of events:
“It’s like, ‘Okay, I’m a failure. The reason why this has happened is because of me.”
So, about three years ago, Cesar tried to end it all:
“I just made a decision, took a whole bunch of pills, and tried to kill myself.”
Luckily, his two teenaged boys found him, and called an ambulance immediately.
Since that time, Cesar has turned his life around, and now sees himself in a very positive place!
Here’s what he said:
“What makes you wise in life is not the successes. It’s when you go down and come back.”
Stay healthy, Cesar!
You’re such an inspiration to us all!
[Image via WENN.]
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