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COVID-19 Patient 'Rescued' From Hospital By Anti-Vaxxers Is Reportedly Readmitted And In 'Serious Condition'

This is all so scary and sad — and honestly, it could have been prevented entirely if the poor man had just stayed in the hospital to receive care in the first place.

Remember, Perezcious readers, how we recently reported on that wild and sad story out of Ireland involving a confused COVID patient and an over-zealous anti-vaxxer? As you’ll recall, a man in Ireland was wheeled out of a hospital there against doctor’s wishes after an anti-vaxxer falsely convinced the poor guy that they were “rescuing” him, or else the hospital “would kill” him during treatment.

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That was a bald-faced lie, of course, but the distracted and confused COVID patient — who could be clearly seen struggling to breathe on video in the original post — agreed to leave the hospital and go back home. Well now, according to insiders, the man in question is back in the hospital, and his condition is evidently far more serious now than it was days ago as he was being wheeled out by the conspiracy theorist.

According to the Irish Times, the man, who hails from Donegal, was readmitted to Letterkenny Hospital and is currently “in a serious condition.”

While the hospital group itself declined to comment on the case or confirm the man’s readmission, citing health privacy laws, a source inside the organization told the outlet that the man has allegedly been placed on a ventilator. The insider further described the man’s condition as “extremely serious.” OMG…

Previously, the Saolta Hospital Group, which oversees Letterkenny Hospital, had commented publicly about the patient’s initial exit from medical care, saying the org was “gravely concerned” by his departure and adding:

“The deliberate spreading of disinformation and at times defamatory comments against named staff members along with the posting of these videos on social media platforms is adding significantly to the burden already facing healthcare professionals.”

Now, it appears that man is back in the hospital and receiving care after a departure that honestly never should have happened in the first place.

Related: Wendy Williams Reportedly Rushed To NYC Hospital For ‘Psychiatric Services’ Amid COVID Battle

BTW, Ireland — and specifically the Donegal area — has been hit hard by COVID recently. Per the Irish Times, the state reported 1,392 cases back on Friday, including 288 patients in local hospitals and 73 of those in the intensive care unit.

Here’s hoping more people heed the warning here and continue on with COVID treatment once admitted to the hospital, instead of listening to anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists for their medical advice…

[Image via Saolta University Health Care Group/YouTube]