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Dianna Agron Puts On Her Floral Dress & Matching Cape To Run Errands

dianna agron floral dress and cape att store
dianna agron wears cape att store
If you thought Bj├â┬╢rk‘s outfit to hail a cab was wacky, just look at what Dianna Agron wears to run errands!
Visiting AT&T in Los Angeles, Dianna wore a long pink and black floral print dress with a matching cape. A cape! To the cell phone store!
It was almost as if she stepped out of a time machine and was heading into an old timey Speakeasy, but somehow got stuck in 2013 with her fancy floral gown and medical alice + olivia doctor’s bag (which we think is super cute BTW).
The black ankle boots don’t make it any more modern, which seems odd considering she was buying a CELL PHONE.
If this is how fancy she dresses up for the cell phone store, imagine how wild she gets for a real life party!
[Images via National Photo Group.]

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May 09, 2013 14:21pm PDT