
Diddy & Cassie's Former Makeup Artist Details Disturbing Abuse: 'We Were Always Scared Of Puff'

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Diddy and Cassie Ventura‘s makeup artist is speaking out about the alleged abuse she witnessed while working with the former couple. Speaking to Extra and Page Six correspondent Carlos Greer, Cassie’s friend and a former makeup artist for both stars Mylah Morales revealed that she feared for the female singer’s safety — and her own safety, as well. Morales explained on Tuesday:

“We were always scared of Puff. He’s a powerful person and we don’t know what would happen to us if we spoke out.”

Jeez. That’s terrible!

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When asked if she knew about “the physical abuse” Cassie has come forward about — and which was most recently highlighted in a disturbing resurfaced 2016 hotel security video in which Sean Combs was seen attacking his then-girlfriend, preventing her from leaving the building — Mylah said:

“I did not know… but I witnessed it.”

Umm… what? That seems a bit contradictory! But it seems like Mylah meant she didn’t witness Diddy abuse Cassie with her own eyes —  however, she did suspect that was happening behind closed doors?! The beauty guru recalled a horrific incident at the Beverly Hills Hotel during a Grammy weekend over a decade ago. She explained:

“I don’t even want to go back to it because it’s triggering. All I witnessed was him walking into the room and saying, ‘Where the f**k is she?’ and I didn’t know what was going on. I was like, ‘I just woke up from a slumber,’ and next thing you know, all I hear from the bedroom was, you know, just s**t. I don’t want to go back and think about.”

She clarified that she did not see P Diddy physically hurt Cassie — but she felt in her bones that something was very wrong. She noted:

“I did not know what was going on… all I can think of was to get her out of there.”

Once she actually got a look at the dancer, it was clear she needed help. Mylah shared:

“She was bruised. I mean, badly bruised, like knots on her head, a black eye… and all I cared about was to get her to safety, and I took her into my house and kept her there for a few days. I literally called my friend, who was a doctor at the time, to treat her because we couldn’t bring her to the hospital. We didn’t know what the hell to do at that point. Who are we going to call? I’m scared just even talking about this, but I feel like somebody has to.”

Awful. Another insider corroborated this story, telling Extra:

“Cassie definitely had a black eye for sure. Her lip was swollen. She had bruises on her body. She looked really bad. She was advised to go to the ER to rule out major head trauma, but she was too scared. She was just scared and deflated. It was really sad.”

Elsewhere in the interview, the makeup artist addressed the musician’s apology video, saying:

“Just a PR stunt. That’s ridiculous, he didn’t even mention her name. And if he was apologetic about it, he would mention her name, but he didn’t. And that’s what I don’t understand. And I just feel like he, he’s a great, ‘Talented Mr. Ripley.’”

The Sean John founder reportedly signed a strict NDA in his settlement with Cassie in November, restricting them both from talking about the other. But, still, it would have been a far better look if he’d addressed her directly!

As for whether or not she’s discussed any of this with Cassie, Morales told the outlet:

“At the end of the day, we don’t go back and talk about that stuff. It’s kind of like private. And I am not going to go back and ask her because of privacy.”

And when asked if she’d ever be willing to cooperate with law enforcement should that be needed, the makeup artist insisted she’d be open to it! She said:

“I knew this day was coming, so of course.”

Wow. That certainly suggests she saw a lot more than she initially let on! We mean, you could only know a day like this was coming if you saw a s**t ton of f**ked up behavior, right? And she’s not the only one coming forward about what they witnessed, either. So gut-wrenching for Cassie and all Diddy’s other alleged victims…

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If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, help is available. Consider calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233, or text START to 88788, or go to https://www.thehotline.org/

[Image via Lexi Jones/WENN & ExtraTV/YouTube]