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SRSLY?? Donald Trump Is Just Signing Shit Without Knowing The Details!

donald trump was not briefed executive order
Of course.
Donald Trump‘s incompetence as President is becoming more apparent with every passing day. On Sunday, The New York Times reported that the Commander-In-Chief wasn’t briefed on the executive order he signed which gave his chief strategist Steve Bannon a seat on the National Security Council. Tsk, tsk!
Related: It’s A Bad Day To Be A Trump├óΓé¼┬ª
Apparently, Drumpf was pretty pissed about the executive order and has since demanded he be included in the early drafting stages of the documents. In fact, it’s said POTUS has ordered his chief of staff, named Reince Priebus, to create a fundamental approach to penning executive orders. Sounds like someone’s over their head!
Priebus has since formed a 10 point checklist for the release of any new initiatives from the Trump administration. This will, supposedly, help with any leaks the office may face as the documents will have to be signed off by the communications department and the White House staff secretary, Robert Porter.
Not to mention, Bannon is reportedly telling people he and White House policy director Stephen Miller, have an opening to push THEIR vision of what Donald’s economic policies should be. Ugh.
While the administration has tried to justify the 63-year-old’s appointment to the NSC, it’s clear his grab for power wasn’t properly discussed amongst officials. Senator John McCain even called Steve’s addition to the council “a radical departure from any National Security Council in history.”
In short: Bannon is still the worst.
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 06, 2017 11:44am PDT