Stephanie Pratt

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Defends Her 'The View' Screaming Tirade With Instagram Non-Apology!

With all the old drama from The View coming up lately, Elisabeth Hasselbeck is being given a lot of opportunities to be the bigger person.
Her response? “F**k that!”
In his new tell-all book, Ladies Who Punch: The Explosive Inside Story of ‘The View’, author Ramin Setoodeh told a story of one of the biggest blowups in the show’s history, and on Friday audio of the explosive moment went public.
Related: Jenny McCarthy Compares Her ‘View’ Firing To ‘The Red Wedding’
After a discussion about abortion got overheated, lead host Barbara Walters told the conservative commentator to stop interrupting everyone because they needed to “discuss these things in some sort of rational way.”
Feeling she was being “reprimanded” by Walters — who was basically her boss — she stormed out screaming during the commercial break.
So, 13 years later does she look back on the incident with regret? Not exactly.
She took to Instagram mostly to defend her past self, writing:

“This. Just. In: Yes- There were times when I was quite humanly reactive. I used a bad word when frustrated. I was pregnant with Taylor and a big conversation about the value and the lives of the unborn took place at the View. It was a battle -but not of the flesh. I used fighting words because I believe that God decides the value of the lives of babies.”

Sorry, but… is that why she used “fighting words”?
Near as we could tell Hasselbeck was angriest not about the difference of opinion about abortion — which is something she clearly was passionate about — but about being told to be more civil.
Anyway, she continued:

“We care for a group of Robin’s eggs in a nest before they are hatched and likely would think twice before stomping on the awesome blue shells because we know what God placed inside the hard womb. And in the heat of the moment, when I felt the need to protect what I knew to be truth and had seen with my own eyes on ultrasound the LIFE in my own shell of a body- I used big battle words (one in particular that I am not proud of and am sorry for using in the heat of trying to defend the lives of the unborn).”

Again, she wasn’t using the language she’s apologizing for while defending “the lives of the unborn,” she did it while defending herself.
She went on:

“2 things I have grown to learn: 1) there are words that DISTRACT from your point: Choose wisely 2) I have a God who fights the battle. I don’t have to do that all on my own. God has changed my ways. He has given me a new thing – it is my heart. He literally did that and I wrote a lot about it in #PointOfViewBook and I boast of plenty of failure and imperfection there.”

She doesn’t seem very contrite for someone with a changed heart.
She concluded:

“I still hold all my Constitutionally protected rights to freedom of faith : but now: I can hold the hand of the person who does not agree at the same time ???? because I believe that we can do that by His grace. hold truth and hold grace as best we can. BY HIS POWER. In my weakness I am made strong.
My new word that begins with the letter F: FAITHFUL
Because that is who GOD IS”

OK, here we go again with the “I still hold all my Constitutionally protected rights to freedom of faith” thing, like anyone has ever tried to take them away.
Remember, conservatives, Barack Obama was never really a secret Muslim who wanted to destroy American Christianity, that was just some B.S y’all made up to scare your base.
Looking forward to seeing that hand-holding take place any day now though. We assume just not with any “disturbing” lesbians like Rosie O’Donnell though, right?
What do YOU think of Elisabeth’s non-apology response??
[Image via Elisabeth Hasselbeck/Instagram.]