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Ethan Hawke Thinks Sexual Fidelity In Relationships Is Overrated

Ethan Hawke talks about fidelity in relationships
You don’t hear this every day!
Ethan Hawke had the opportunity to do a feature for the November issue of Mr. Porter, and he got very honest, while looking hawt and broody.
The actor talked about his previous marriage to Uma Thurman ending amicably, but he also talked about being monogamous in relationships.
That’s where things got unusual.
Ethan explained:

“My relationship with my present wife is thrilling to me and I’m committed to it. But neither she nor I know what shape the future will come in. Sexual fidelity can’t be the whole thing you hang your relationship on. If you really love somebody you want them to grow, but you don’t get to define how that happens. They do… People have such a childish view of monogamy and fidelity. ‘He’s cheated so he’s bad, she’s cheated so she’s bad’, as opposed to a recognition that our species is not monogamous. To act all indignant, that your world has been rocked because your lover wasn’t faithful to you, is a little bit like acting rocked that your hair went grey. I am [monogamous], but in Before Midnight there is the threat of sexual attraction to others and maintaining your sexual identity with your partner over a long period of time. Human beings are sexual beings.”

We’d love to hear if his wife Ryan Hawke feels the same way too!
Probably, or else this would be a tough point of view to get past in a marriage.
[Image via Mr. Porter.]

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Dec 02, 2013 09:00am PDT

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