Hey mommies and daddies!
Perezitos.com‘s Sex & Marriage Counselor contributor Dr. Limor Blockman-Michelman is back to help parents bring sexy back into their relationship.
The expert says if your long relationship is getting a bit stale try to “Change The World”! She says:
“Turn your lover’s flaws into positive traits: the change isn├óΓé¼Γäót immediate, but dusting yourself off and trying again, will grant you with a happy partner, and a calmer mind.”
Getting along will get you in bed – CLICK HERE” target=”_blank”>CLICK HERE for some of Dr. Limor’s advice for what to do when the tacky-panky starts!
And don’t forget to visit her Facebook page, “Follow” @DoctorLimor on Twitter, AND download her new iTunes app!
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CLICK HERE TO COMMENTFeb 13, 2012 09:30am PDT