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EXCLUSIVELY For Parents: The Power Of Fantasy

EXCLUSIVELY For Parents: The Power Of Fantasy

Dr. Limor Blockman-Michelman
When mommies and daddies have been together for a while it’s not always easy to keep the romance feeling new — but it’s worth the work!‘s Sex & Marriage Counselor contributor Dr. Limor Blockman-Michelman is back to help parents bring sexy back into their relationship.
The Doctor says mixing things up is really crucial:

“Don├óΓé¼Γäót be afraid to experiment and learn new and exciting ways to please each other: Keeping intimacy alive is healthy and never hurts routine and boredom, do!”

Here’s one of her suggestions for keeping your relationship nice and healthy:

“Use fantasy at all times: it serves you well and prevents the need for NON-MONOGAMOUS, recreational activity. Use your wildest imagination & locate a position, where you├óΓé¼Γäóre receiving the most pleasurable stimulation.”

And don’t forget to visit her Facebook page, “Follow” @DoctorLimor on Twitter, AND download her new iTunes app!

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Feb 02, 2012 17:30pm PDT