Don’t waste all your sweetness on your kiddies!
It’s easy for mommies and daddies to lose focus of each other, when there are little ones that pleading for all your love and attention.
Luckily,‘s Sex & Marriage Counselor contributor Dr. Limor Blockman-Michelman has tips for our perezcious parents looking to bring the spark back into their relationships!
A little bit of kindness goes a long way in a partnership. The love doctor says:
“Simple acts of kindness can completely enhance your relationship: a massage after a long day, or a blissful serving of fresh coffee, goes a long way.
Being kind means, making everyday life, better and more comfortable. Provide your lover some “Tender Love & Caring” by adding small indulgences, into any special occasion (Valentine├óΓé¼Γäós Day applies!!) as well as everyday life: Leave her a “personal invitation” to a sensual massage by her pillow, write him a cute love note and leave it in his pocket.
Any gesture that comes from the heart will bring a good change of energy and novelty, into your relationship.”
For more tips on getting along with your partner (anywhere and in between the sheets) CLICK HERE!
And don’t forget to visit her Facebook page, “Follow” @DoctorLimor on Twitter, AND download her new iTunes app!
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