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Man Finds A Venomous Snake Slithering Out Of The Toilet At Work! How This Female Cop Caught It Is Going To Blow Your Mind!

toilet snake doodle
Worst bathroom break EVER!
An Alabama construction worker was just about to take a seat on the toilet when something started slithering out of it!
A venomous snake!!!
Willie Harris says he was shocked to lift the lid and find the creature! He explained what happened, saying:

“So when I was going to use the restroom, I see a snake around the commode and I’m thinking it was a joke. I pulled the door back a little bit and I said ├óΓé¼╦£wow!├óΓé¼Γäó├óΓé¼┬¥

Wow? That’s all you said?? Wow??
We…would have headed for ze hills, screaming obscenities the whole way!
Luckily, Officer Alice Thompson arrived on the scene and saved the day! This woman is like Steve Irwin with a badge (and, you know, not dead). She grabbed the snake and yanked it out of the toilet!
Look at this picture!
officer thompson snake watermark
Officer Thompson talked about bravely battling it out with the belly beast, saying:

“I was holding it actually on the corners of the mouth where the mouth was actually open at the time. Which for me that was actually the first time I’d ever seen fangs that were folded back in a snake.├óΓé¼┬¥

She then released what she thinks was probably a cottonmouth back into the wild.
We wonder if Willie was able to hold it while all of this was going on??
[Image via WTSP.]

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Jul 12, 2014 10:01am PDT

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