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Film Flickers

Michael Moore's Feeling Generous


Michael Moore is taking a page from the Radiohead play book.

He’s releasing his latest movie, Slacker Uprising, as a free download for three weeks starting on September 23rd.

We heart free!

The flick follows Moore’s 62-city tour during the 2004 election to rally young voters.

According to reports, the free release is Moore’s symbol of gratitude to his fans as he approaches the 20th anniversary of his first film, 1989’s Roger & Me.

Moore said:

“I thought it’d be a nice way to celebrate my 20th year of doing this. And also help get out the vote for November. I’ve been thinking about what I want to do to help with the election this year.”

Michael hopes the film will encourage young people to vote this November.

More than 20 million 18 to 29-year-olds voted in 2004 (an 11 percent increase from 2000) and he’s hoping that an even greater number of “slackers” will vote this year.

He also acknowleged this a film for Democrats:

“This film, really isn’t for anybody other than the choir. But that’s because I believe the choir needs a song to sing every now and then.”


[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 05, 2008 14:22pm PDT

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