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Heather Mills

Mills Owes Lawyers $3 Million...But Sues Them Instead!

Mills Owes Lawyers $3 Million...But Sues Them Instead!


Heather Mills is a piece of work!

The still not-yet divorced wife of Paul McCartney has decided to sue her former attorneys, to whom she currently owes almost $3 million, for giving her “bad advice”.├é┬á

Mills owes almost 20 months of unpaid legal bills to her divorce lawyers Mischon de Reya, one of Britain’s top and most well-known divorce firms.├é┬á

Insolvency lawyers at Mishcons are expected to pursue legal action in the next few weeks, alleging Mills often refused to take their legal advice. That sounds more like the Heather we know and love!

Mills is also preparing to go to court for an intense, five day hearing, which will determine how much of Paul McCartney’s fortune, over $1.2 billion, she’ll receive.├é┬á

Paul has already offered Mills $22 million for their 4 year marriage, but she’s not content with that amount.├é┬á├é┬á

Mills is asking for about $75 million, ownership of several properties throughout Britain, and fighting against a confidentiality clause. 

You know what that means…├é┬á Someone wants a book deal!!!

[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 05, 2008 13:38pm PDT