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New Law Allows Cubans More Options When Purchasing Cars

New Law Allows Cubans More Options When Purchasing Cars

We’re so happy with the progress going on in Cuba. Even if it does seem like small steps, any step forward is a good sign.
Just last month, the Cuban government announced their citizens will be allowed to legally buy and sell homes by the end of the year.
And now, for the first time in decades, Cuban and foreign residents will be able to do what they want with their own cars, like sell them, trade them, or gift them to family and friends.
Before the 1959 “revolution”, sales were restricted to vehicles purchased before that year, but not any longer.
Also, before this new law, if someone left the country, it was illegal for them to sell or leave their car to someone.
Now those with government permission, as well as foreign residents, will also be able to import cars to Cuban.
One Cuban office worker revealed:

“It’s great because it was something forbidden and prices were really high, and if you had a car you weren’t able to do anything with it. It’s a way of freeing something.”

Though a downside to this all? The price. Most Cubans earn about $20 a month. Added the Cuban worker:

“Maybe if I can save money one day in my life I will be able to buy as car. It’s going to be hard, but at least now it’s a possibility.”

Any progress is good!
[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 28, 2011 23:30pm PDT

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