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NFL Ref's Tragically Awful Call Could Cost The League Millions

Wait, so the NFL is going to just straight up lose millions of dollars because they don’t want to do the right thing??
Aren’t they at the negotiating table with the NFLRA to try and figure out how to save themselves money??
This makes no sense!
If you haven’t heard about it yet, on Monday night a replacement ref decided to make the ‘worst call in NFL history’ and say that a clearly intercepted ball was actually a winning touchdown for the Seahawks.
Another, and much better, ref was even seen signaling that there wasn’t a touchdown.
Here’s what a PR expert had to say:

“The difference between the NFL and the referee union in negotiations is $3.3 million, and I would say the product of football as a brand in America took a much larger hit than that with Monday night’s scandal. When you have a premium game such as Monday Night Football with the Green Bay Packers playing – and quarterback Aaron Rodgers is about as American as apple pie right now ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ and everyone is watching this game, there is so much attention on it and sponsors are paying more to advertise – there is a lot at stake!
“There are two sides here, you have got the league against the refs├óΓé¼Γäó union, and the fans are stuck in the middle. The collateral damage when there is a crisis such as this impacts everybody├óΓé¼Γäós bottom line, from the players and advertisers to the people working the concession stand.
“There should be a higher standard for all sports and a mistake like this is unacceptable. Certainly you would think with the advent of technology, these officials should be conferencing on a call like that? One guy signaled interception and another signaled touchdown, it should have been meticulously reviewed afterwards.”

And yet the NFL is standing behind the call, regardless of acknowledging it was wrong!
This pretty much verifies that the NFL is actually run by a bunch of farm animals dressed up in expensive suits.
The expert continues on the most important part of all of this, the fans:

“The fans lose out the most in this situation, they buy into this product because it├óΓé¼Γäós been the standard for a very long time, and they are loyal. We saw a lockout recently with the league against the players, we├óΓé¼Γäóve seen player scandals such as Bounty-gate. All these things adversely impact the game, right or wrong, which then impacts the product. There is only so many times that can happen before, the consumer walks away.”

It’s time to man up, NFL — we’d suggest that you need to at least get the refs back in any way you can… but in reality, you should give the win to the Packers, too!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Sep 26, 2012 11:32am PDT

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