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Rob Lowe Explains Peyton Manning Retirement Tweets On Ellen

Rob Lowe tweet
Is one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL retiring?!
According to Rob Lowe, yes…but he hopes his information is wrong.
The Parks and Recreation star caused panic in the Twitterverse when he revealed that Indinapolis Colt Peyton Manning may be retiring in a series of tweets, reading:

“Hearing my fave, #18 Peyton Manning will not return to #NFL. Wow. #Colts”
“My people are saying Manning will retire today. What do you hear?”
“Colts fans, let’s hope my info is wrong. Don’t like being wrong, but this time… I’m hoping.”

It sounds like his info is indeed wrong because both Manning’s father and agent haven’t heard anything about this supposed retirement. Although the QB was out for the season thanks to a serious neck injury, he still plans to play again next season.
With no headlines to back up his bombshell announcement, Lowe was asked to set the record straight on Thursday while appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He explained himself by saying:

“I’m a huge, huge Peyton Manning fan . . . And a huge, huge Colts fan. I tweet every week about sports. About, who they should fire. Who they should hire. I do, I’m like a regular guy who has his opinions and stuff. So I was tweeting that I heard this might be in the offing and then you learn the power of Twitter. That’s a powerful, powerful medium.”

When Ellen asked how he got the info, the actor responded:

“I hope against hope, it’s not true… Ellen, I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.”

Some suggest he may have actually gotten his info from a legitimate source though because he is friends with Colts owner Jim Irsay. Hmm…maybe Rob will get to have an “I told you so,” moment in the future!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 19, 2012 17:00pm PDT