Infamous convicted murderer Scott Peterson is trying to appeal his death sentence. And now, former mistress Amber Frey is worried what that could mean for her.
While speaking out on her behalf, her father said they fear another trial will “make her live it all over again” after “Amber thought the terrible ordeal was finally behind her.”
The appeal process will take months, if not years, but that’s not stopping Amber from worrying about her and her childrens’ future.
Ron Frey recently explained:
“Amber was hurt and devastated by Scott├óΓé¼Γäós betrayal, and she├óΓé¼Γäós never recovered. Now she├óΓé¼Γäós going to be back in the spotlight again, and what makes it worse is that her two children are now old enough to understand. She had the toughest task a mother can imagine just last year when she finally felt able to explain to (11-year-old daughter) Ayiana how she was duped by a murderer.”
Amber’s biggest concern is “possibly having to face Scott in court again and undergo grilling by his lawyers” after her testimony helped put him behind bars in 2004.
Her father does point out one benefit of the possible appeal though. He thinks “maybe we will finally learn the truth about how and when Laci died.”
Good point! Let’s hope so!
[Image via WENN.]
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