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Did You Know Sexual Harassment Is A HUGE Issue At Comic-Con?! Hear One Reality Star's Cosplay Horror Story HERE!

Did You Know Sexual Harassment Is A HUGE Issue At Comic-Con?! Hear One Reality Star's Cosplay Horror Story HERE!

It’s all fun and geeky games until some lady in a Sailor Moon costume gets accosted!
The (above) silly statement may make you feel like LOLing — but sexual harassment is actually a maJOR issue at San Diego’s Comic-Con…or really any event that involves cosplay!
In one of the many incidents from this weekend, former Top Model Adrianne Curry opened up to the media about the harassment issues at Con, confessing that things need to change ASAP:

“I was disappointed with the lack of reaction from the men. Here are women screaming and defending themselves and all the guys are like ‘Look at that, that chick just got molested, cool, right on.’ Step up gentlemen, because chicks are gonna stop portraying cosplay characters if you don’t do something.”

Adrianne explained how both she and her female friend were felt up and down during the weekend’s festivities, with the reality star even having to beat a man away with her Catwoman whip!
With all these scary issues at the event, a group was actually founded before the geeky weekend to help combat sexual advances for females in cosplay!
Geeks for CONsent wants Comic-Con’s existing Code of Conduct policy to change and for staff members to be trained to handle sexual harassment complaints.
The group’s director, Rochelle Keyhan, revealed that a training program could put cosplayers at ease:

“It makes it feel safer for the person being harassed to report it and also for bystanders who witness (inappropriate behavior.)”

How do you think Comic-Con should address the CLEAR issue? Will stronger anti-harrasment policies change the way things work?
Ch-ch-check out an updated policy, courtesy of Geeks for CONsent and Comic-Con’s Code Of Conduct (below)!
Comic-Con’s Code Of Conduct:

“Code of Conduct Attendees must respect common sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Comic-Con reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the membership and badge of any attendee not in compliance with this policy. Persons finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety is at risk or who become aware of an attendee not in compliance with this policy should immediately locate a member of security, or a staff member, so that the matter can be handled in an expeditious manner.”

Geeks for CONsent Amended Conduct:
comic con harrasment policy
[Image via Twitter.]

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Jul 29, 2014 00:05am PDT

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