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Teacher Suspended After Sex Tape Leaks To All-Boys School -- Allegedly By Student Who Stole Her Phone!

Student Steals Teacher's Phone & Leaks Her Sex Tape To Class

Well, this is about the last thing you want to happen when you’re a female teacher working at an all-boys high school…

According to police in Cleveland, a teacher’s sex tape was sent to more than 200 students this month at an all-boys school called Ginn Academy. A police report, filed on February 15, explained that officers received a complaint from the principal that claimed a sexually explicit video of a female educator and her boyfriend engaging in some NSFW (especially this workplace!!) activities was distributed to a couple hundred students!

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The teacher sat down with investigators to share her side of the story, denying that she had sent the video herself. In fact, she claimed she didn’t know her video had even been leaked until she began to hear rumors that her sex tape, which had been stored on her personal cellphone, had been shared by a student! Oof.

Cleveland Police Sex Crimes Unit officials told Cleveland 19 they believe the student accessed the teacher’s unlocked phone and then AirDropped the X-rated contents to other students at Ginn Academy on February 7. About 4 or 5 videos were sent altogether, but just one contained the bedroom behavior. The AirDrop feature allowed them to send the videos to anyone nearby — which, since it was a school, just so happened to be a lot of young boys. The school opened its doors in 2007 and currently has 337 students, ages 14-18 — and well over half saw that vid. Yikes.

Because of this controversy, the teacher has been removed from the school amid an ongoing investigation. She is currently on paid leave, via the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. The Cleveland Teachers Union addressed the situation in a statement, saying:

“Our collective bargaining agreement with the district provides for a process that protects our members, the district, and students when accusations are made involving members. We will work with our member and the district through this process.”

No criminal charges have been filed at this time.

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It’s unclear if the student will face any repercussions for his actions. So far, the teacher seems to be taking the brunt of the punishment. Ken Trump, a local parent who runs a school safety consulting firm, seems to think that’s fair. He told Fox 8:

“It makes you feel like you have a punch in the gut, especially when you’re an authority figure and you’re a role model around children. It doesn’t matter how the video was shared. It shouldn’t have been there and accessible to kids in any form in the first place.”

That’s probably true. Teachers should be held to a higher standard when it comes to personal responsibility. While they’re obviously allowed to make sex tapes in the privacy of their home after hours, bringing it in to school, even just on her personal phone, was probably risky enough. But the phone being left unlocked?

On the other hand, it sounds like the student went into her personal property, invading her space. Obviously, that video should never have been distributed, but, as of now, it doesn’t sound like the teacher had any intention of that getting around. So is she fully to blame? Partially? Enough to lose her job, perhaps. We wouldn’t be surprised. But enough to face criminal charges? And have to register as a sex offender??

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[Image via Netflix/YouTube]

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Feb 25, 2022 15:10pm PDT