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Trayvon Martin's Parents Are 'Shocked' About Zimmerman's Acquittal As They Make First TV Appearance Since The End Of The Trial!

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While celebrities and average citizens alike have had really emotional reactions to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin‘s parents have kept their silence on Sunday’s verdict.

Until now, that is.

Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton finally spoke out about the not guilty verdict reached in the case against police officer George Zimmerman.

The divorced couple talked to Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, and TODAY this morning, and will also speak in greater length to Anderson Cooper.

Tracy, Trayvon’s father, when asked how he was processing the court’s ruling, had this to say on TODAY:

“Still shocked, still in disbelief. We felt in our hearts that we were going to get a conviction. We thought that the killer of our unarmed child was going to be convicted of the crime he committed.”

On Good Morning America, Sybrina, Trayvon’s mom, was asked what she thought about those who said that Trayvon had a part to play in his own death, and answered saying this:

“…Trayvon was a teenager, so he probably thought as a teenager. I really do believe he was afraid because he called George Zimmerman ‘creepy.'”

Our hearts go out to Tracy and Sybrina, and all of those who loved and knew Trayvon.

Ch-ch-check out the heart wrenching interviews from Good Morning America and TODAY (below).

So sad. No parent should have to bury their child.

[Image via HRC/WENN.]

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Jul 18, 2013 14:43pm PDT

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