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Another Tragedy Strikes Australia -- 8 Children Have Been Found Slain In A Suburban Home (UPDATE)

Another Tragedy Strikes Australia -- 8 Children Have Been Found Slain In A Suburban Home (UPDATE)

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This is just sickening.
Following this week’s tragedy in Australia where two captives were killed by a gunman in a Sydney hostage situation, another disgusting act has just befell the country on Friday.
According to Police, eight children have been found dead in a suburban home in the city of Cairns.
The eight kids range in age from 18 mos. to 15 years, and were found next to a 34-year-old woman who somehow survived her wounds; and we’re hearing that they were all related.
[ Related: Gunman Killed In Sydney Hostage Situation ]
While Australian police told the country that the deaths are an isolated incident and that there’s no need to worry about further harm, a woman named Lisa Thaiday offered even more to the story.
According to Lisa, the adult woman was actually her cousin and was also the mother of all eight kids, and is not under Police custody.
And to make it worse, her ninth child, a 20-year-old son, reportedly came home to discover most of his family stabbed to death.
We honestly cannot imagine what this community is going through right now.
We’ll update you as more information on this horrifying case comes out.
UPDATE: According to reports, the mother of the children is in “stable condition” and is helping in the investigation, along with her 20-year-old son. Right now, police aren’t looking for anyone else involved, though they haven’t labeled anyone as a suspect either.
[Image via Stefan Postles/Getty Images News]

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Dec 19, 2014 01:12am PDT

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