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Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin Is Ready To Hang Up His Donald Trump 'Saturday Night Live' Impersonation

alec baldwin portrays donald trump on snl

Alec Baldwin wants to hang up his orange face makeup and blonde wig.
The actor, who has portrayed President Donald Trump since before the 2016 election on Saturday Night Live, is ready to move on from the role as he reflects on the recently wrapped 44th season of the late night show.
Related: Hilaria Baldwin Confirms Miscarriage Of Fifth Child Via Instagram
In a Thursday interview with USA Today, he explained his decision behind saying goodbye to his Emmy-winning portrayal:

“They should find somebody who wants to do it. They’re all my dear friends and I love going there, but the other thing is that I’m going to go to work this fall in a way I haven’t done in a while. My wife and I had a son a year ago, and since he was born, I’ve worked minimally because I wanted to be there for my wife and kids. But the party’s over this fall and I’ll be traveling. SNL just crushes my weekends, and now weekends are going to become much more precious to me because that’s time with my kids.”

alec baldwin with his wife and kids
Totally understandable, look how cute his family is!! / (c) Hilaria Baldwin/Instagram

But who’s fit to fill his shoes? The 61-year-old guest star has a few suggestions:

I don’t know. Darrell Hammond did it and is a far better impressionist than I’ll ever be. When Anthony Atamanuik [started impersonating Trump on Comedy Central‘s The President Show], all these people were attacking me, saying, ‘Oh, your impression sucks and you suck. Please go away.’ It also was something I thought to myself: ‘I really don’t have a lot invested in my Trump impersonation, so please find someone and convince Lorne [Michaels] to replace me.’ I’m completely down with that. Winning the Emmy for that show aside, it was not some career goal of mine.”

However, he’s not quite sure if they would even want to take on such a huge responsibility:

“So if [Atamanuik] wants the job, it’s his. He can have it. I’ve done that. I mean, I had a lot of fun with [the cast], and when Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider wrote [Trump sketches in 2016 and 2017], that was new, it was fresh and the ratings were good. But I feel like I’m done with that now. I’m so done with that.”

How would you feel about a new presidential portrayer on SNL, Perezcious readers? Sound off (below) in the comments!!
[Image via Joseph Marzullo/WENN & Saturday Night Live/YouTube.]

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Jun 07, 2019 11:01am PDT