Britney Spears

Sam Asghari SLAMS Britney Spears' Father Jamie Following Explosive Doc: 'A Total D**k'

Sam Asghari is finally sharing his true thoughts about the villain in Britney Spears’ life, and they aren’t exactly kind!

While everyone was talking about The New York Times’ shocking documentary, Framing Britney Spears, the pop icon’s longtime boyfriend publicly slammed her father — and the man who has been controlling her estate — Jamie Spears, letting fans know that he thinks Brit’s pappa is a “total d**k.”

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Confirming just what a Big Bad the Toxic singer’s dad is to them, the 27-year-old wrote:

“Now it’s important for people to understand that I have zero respect for someone trying to control our relationship and constantly throwing obstacles in our way. In my opinion, Jamie [Spears] is a total d**k.”

Well, we certainly been knew about Jamie’s role in his daughter’s unfortunate situation, but go off anyway, Sam! The model continued:

“I won’t be going into details because I’ve always respected our privacy, but at the same time, I didn’t come to this country to not be able to express my opinion and freedom.”


Sam previously made a somewhat softer statement on the heels of the Framing Britney Spears premiere, telling People:

“I have always wanted nothing but the best for my better half, and will continue to support her following her dreams and creating the future she wants and deserves. I am thankful for all of the love and support she is receiving from her fans all over the world, and I am looking forward to a normal, amazing future together.”

Although these words were definitely less fiery than his second, anti-Jamie statement, we think Sam’s being so classy throughout all this. (Well, as classy as one can be while calling someone a “d**k.”) But his latest statement will definitely fan the flames of the #FreeBritney movement, which has seen fans call for the superstar’s release from her conservatorship and have the ability to call the shots in her life.

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Brit has been under conservatorship since 2008, a year after her public breakdown, and it has been extended four times. The legal arrangement is typically used for people with decreased mental capacities, usually the elderly. Jamie obtained rights over her finances after the Grammy winner’s involuntary 72-hour psychiatric hold, and serves as co-conservator of Britney’s $59 million fortune with Bessemer Trust. The hitmaker requested twice last year that her father be removed as a conservator of her finances, but that was declined both times.

While she’s been staying silent about the drama these days, Britney once lamented about the “restraints” she was under during her MTV special, Britney: For The Record, which was part of the Framing Britney doc. She said:

“If I wasn’t under the restraints that I’m under right now – you know, with all the lawyers and doctors and people analyzing me every day and all that kind of stuff – like, if that wasn’t there, I’d feel so liberated and feel like myself. When I tell them the way I feel, it’s like they hear me but [they’re] really not listening. They’re hearing what they want to hear. They’re not really listening to what I’m telling them. It’s like, it’s bad. And I’m sad.”

Hopefully the increasing awareness on Britney’s sad situation will help — and, in the meantime, it’s good to know she has Sam in her corner. What do U think about his latest comments, Perezcious readers?

[Image via Sam Asghari/Instagram/WENN]