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Britney Spears

Celebrating Her Independance

Celebrating Her Independance

You would think that after a judge told her that she is an unfit parent and revoked all custody of her children from her that Britney Spears would be in hiding. Thankfully, though, Britney Spears doesn’t do much thinking. She just defies all logic!
The drug addict had an unusually busy Monday.
What’d she do?
She went to get some burgers at Carl’s Jr. She dropped off her kids to K-Fed’s bodyguard. She went tanning. She went to the DMV. She spent time at the Peninsula Hotel.
And, Britney even managed to find time to squeeze in to her busy schedule to have dinner at Nobu in Malibu on Monday night.
How does she do it all? She’s a superwoman!
Is she smoking the crack????
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Oct 02, 2007 01:12am PDT

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