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California Coyotes Are Getting High On Shrooms & Screwing Around With People's Cars!

California Coyotes Are Getting High On Shrooms & Screwing Around With People's Cars!

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This is the literal definition of HIGHlarious.
While coyotes aren’t the most dangerous animals to humans, any creature high on drugs is unpredictable.
Just ask drivers in Marin County, California who have reported numerous amounts of coyotes walking up to their cars on the highway at night, forcing them to stop.
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But that’s when things get odd… because the wild animals aren’t attacking anything, they’re just walking around the cars sniffing.
Many people first thought the bizarre behavior was linked to rabies, but now that that’s been cleared by wildlife officials, the running theory is that the coyotes are actually just tripping from eating amanita mushrooms.
Some experts are being buzzkills by saying it’s more likely that someone fed them in the area and they’re just coming back for more food, but if you ask us, coyotes sure seem like the stoners of the animal kingdom.
We’re happy to report, however, that coyotes on the East Coast are sticking to cigarettes and deep conversation. LOLz!

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Feb 04, 2016 17:54pm PDT