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Donald Trump

Donald Trump Tries To Hold Melania's Hand & She SLAPS IT AWAY -- Watch!

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Hands off!
Think what you will about Donald Trump‘s relationship with the First Lady, but the evidence is not pointing towards a happy one.
Melania Trump and the President touched down in Israel on Monday and things looked a bit turbulent.
Related: Trump Makes Flub In Speech Because He’s ‘Exhausted’!
The First Couple was seen walking away from Air Force One after landing in Tel Aviv when POTUS grabbed for his wife’s hand — and she straight up slapped the tiny little thing away!
Damn! Maybe they had a rough flight from Saudi Arabia? Or maybe Melania didn’t want to be a prop for yet another photo op?
Either way, tensions are clearly rising in the middle east. Ch-ch-check out the clip (below) to see for yourself!

We NEED to know what’s going on behind the scenes with these two!
[Image via Johnny Louis/WENN.]

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May 22, 2017 11:03am PDT