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Donald Trump

Apparently, Donald Trump Thinks Paris Is In Germany -- And Twitter Is Calling Him Out!

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It’s no secret that Donald Trump should think before he Tweets.
But we think the GOP frontrunner might need to brush up on his basic European geography after this last Twitter post!
On Thursday, the presidential hopeful informed his followers about the alleged ISIS assailant who was shot outside a Paris police station in a failed attack.
Vote: 10 Terrible Donald Trump Quotes!
But in the Tweet, it appeared that The Donald thought Paris, France was actually located in Germany!
He wrote:

This flub caused Twitter to erupt in a frenzy, most users calling out Trump for not knowing where Paris is!
But some users (both Trump haters and supporters) defended the real estate mogul, saying he was talking about two separate events in one tweet — the attacks in Paris and the attempted sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany over the weekend!
Related: All The Enemies Trump Has Made In His Campaign!
We’re not sure if the 69-year-old was just combining two thoughts into one tweet — because we certainly hope that a man as well-traveled and cultured as Trump knows what country one of the biggest cities of the world is in!
What do YOU think? Check out some of the best Twitter reactions (below)!

[Image via ABC.]

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Jan 07, 2016 13:34pm PDT