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Christopher Slevin

Workout Tips To Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back!

After having a baby, the last thing you want to think about is getting back in shape.
Between 3 AM feedings and diaper changes, how do mothers even find the time to werq on their fitness??‘s newest contributor, Christopher Slevin, Sweat Garage’s fitness trainer to the stars, has some incredible workout tips that are low impact and can fit into your busy schedule.
As he likes to say, “keep it mental and gentle!”
Here’s what he has to say:

“As a fitness expert who understands the mental and physical challenges to losing weight, I specialize my training to lean-and-mean workouts that target the whole body, produce lean muscle mass and develop a strong and healthy body inside and out.
Getting back to working out after having a baby is more mental than physical. You MUST give yourself some mental space between what your body was and what it is now. You just had a baby! If you beat yourself up with how you look now, and how hard it’s going to be to change, or how long it may take, you will struggle more than necessary. But if you embrace the fact that your body is not where it used to be and that it will take some time it will not only be easier, it will also be more enjoyable. Look, your baby isn’t going to walk before they crawl.
Now that you have gotten over the fact that your body isn’t what is was, and you’re not beating yourself up about it, what’s a good first workout to kickstart getting your body back? For the first week, keep it gentle. Get outside and walk around the block for 15 minutes. Take the stroller if you can’t leave your baby. Put a gallon of water in the stroller to add some weight so your arms get more of a workout.
Once you get home from the walk, (or if you can’t get outside) do a series of low impact jacks, squats and leg extensions with abs isolation.”

Check out his workout instructions below! Very helpful!

Low Impact Jacks
Spread your legs just wider than shoulder width with your toes pointed slightly out, arms at your side. Hinge at the waist pushing your butt back slightly and bend the knees lowering into a squat. At the same time raise both arms above your head and clap your hands. Stand up and lower your hands.


Find a chair, preferably one that is slightly lower than a dining chair. Place the chair behind you and sit down onto the while raising your arms to your shoulder height. Stand up out of the chair.

Leg Extensions with Abs Isolation
Take the same chair and sit on the front edge. Grab the sides of the chair with both hands. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the floor knees bent. Squeeze your tommy tight and straighten your legs. Bend and straighten is one rep.

Low Impact Jacks – 20
Squats – 15
Leg Extensions w/ Abs Isolation – 10

Let’s have some fun!
Do four rounds of each exercise. Time yourself for fun and see if you get faster as the week progresses.
And for more workout tips, follow Christopher at @ChristopherSlev! Also, don’t forget that if U have any questions, U can email us at [email protected]!

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Apr 23, 2012 18:30pm PDT

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