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'The View' Gets Rowdy After Meghan McCain SPOILS The 'Game Of Thrones' Finale!

Game Of Thrones Finale Discussion The View Meghan McCain Spoilers

The ladies of The View fight all the time over REAL LIFE political intrigue and powerful villains — but we’ve rarely seen things get so heated as when they tackled the series finale of Game Of Thrones.
[Game Of Thrones spoilers ahead, sry!]
No, it wasn’t about what the rest of the Internet has been arguing over the past couple weeks, the finer points of the show’s character arcs.
Related: Game Of Thrones (Mostly Rotten) Review Roundup
Meghan McCain wasn’t trying to contend she was a Never Targaryener while pointing out why the fiery deaths of innocent children wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Joy Behar wasn’t fawning over Ser Davos and making peen jokes about Grey Worm.
No, this fight wasn’t even about the counselors who were set up to help people grieve the loss of the show, which was supposed to be the Hot Topic…

Euron Greyjoy Hot Topic
“Did someone say Hot Topic?”

No, this blow up was all about SPOILERS!!!
Right after the topic was introduced, Meghan immediately said:

“I spent eight years of my life watching this, and it was a horrible ending. Horrible.”

Then, without giving a spoiler warning, she just spat out:

“Bran is the worst — sorry, that’s a spoiler — but, like, he didn’t do anything and now he gets to rule? It should have been the Mother of Dragons.”

First off, we just have to say, SHOCKER that she’s defending the would-be dictator. We’re in disbelief *eye roll*.
But the real issue was that she spoiled the show without warning anyone! It wasn’t just the audience that gasped in disbelief that she just WENT THERE and said the ending without a spoiler warning.
Cohost Sunny Hostin‘s jaw dropped, and she shouted:

“Meghan! I’m only on season four!”

Whoa. Whoa!!!

Meghan McCain spoils Game Of Thrones for Sunny Hostin
This TV moment was more shocking than anything in the Thrones finale TBH. / (c) ABC/YouTube

Lest you think this was a joke, Sunny looked legitimately crestfallen. If she was faking, it’s the best acting we’ve ever seen her do.
Whoopi Goldberg didn’t want any part of this and just walked away from the table!
Meghan responded without a shred of sincerity, giving a shrug and a semi-sarcastic “sorry” before defending herself with:

“It’s all over the Internet!”

Damn. That’s cold.
Why not just fully apologize? Where is your accountability, gurl??

Meghan McCain The View shrug
Ever notice Meghan “Never-Trump” McCain always ends up pulling a Trump and playing the victim to “bullying”? / (c) ABC/YouTube

She did eventually apologize to viewers on Twitter, writing after the East Coast airing of the show:

“I’m so sorry for the #GOT spoilers on the show today! I assumed every diehard fan had watched! My bad. Don’t watch west coast if you don’t want a spoiler.”

However, it’s notable there was no such expression for her coworker.
Did she not know the woman she sits next to every day was just now getting around to watching? We know they fight a lot, but how bad are things over there, anyway? Has she detached herself so much over there that she doesn’t even make small talk with her costars??
But we also have to come down against Sunny here, too.
If you know one of the Hot Topics is going to be about the Game Of Thrones finale, and you’re trying to stay spoiler free, WHY ARE YOU THERE??

Sunny Hostin on The View
Sorry, gurl. Has to be said. / (c) ABC/YouTube

You can take ONE segment off if it’s important to you; it’s not like we don’t notice when one or two of y’all skip interviews with politicians you hate.
For that matter, how are you going to be so upset if you’re only on SEASON FOUR??
Just having guests on promoting the Season Eight is a spoiler for you because now you know they made it to the end!
What do YOU think about this little spoiler debate, Perezcious readers??
Watch the rest of the convo (below)!
[Image via HBO/ABC/YouTube.]

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May 20, 2019 15:19pm PDT