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Iggy Azalea Confesses To PEEING Herself -- Find Out What Made Her Lose Control!

Iggy's embarrassing story is pretty good!
Iggy Azalea
‘s HIGHlarious story about a trip to the dentist gone wrong might just have you, well, peeing yourself!
The 25-year-old recounted her recent visit for Twitter fans on Tuesday, and described the effects of getting several root canals done in one sitting.
Basically, it involved her peeing herself!
Related: Iggy Finally Reveals The Designer Behind Her Wedding Dress
Get her whole story behind what happened (below):

At least Iggy sees the humor in the situation!
Otherwise, this story wouldn’t even be slightly funny. The rapper even continued:

Not a bad idea! LOLz!
That or maybe she should just hit up the bathroom before getting comfy.
[Image via Instagram.]

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Jan 20, 2016 12:12pm PDT

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