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Ivanka Trump Says There’s 'No Equivalency' Between Her & Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandals!

ivanka trump hillary clinton emails

Ivanka Trump doesn’t want you comparing her private email scandal to Hillary Clinton’s much more serious private email scandal — because unlike the former first lady, the first daughter doesn’t contain “anything of substance.”
Sorry, we misheard that. She said her EMAILS don’t contain “anything of substance.”
That’s what Vank insisted in an interview with GMA in an effort to dismiss the critics re-purposing Donald Trump’s “lock her up!” mantra after she was caught sending hundreds of private emails to White House officials.
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As we reported, The Washington Post claimed earlier this month that the 37-year-old broke federal records rules by using a private email account to correspond with aides, Cabinet members, and assistants. Many compared this to Hillary’s email scandal that was largely responsible for her losing the 2016 presidential election.
But on Wednesday, the White House adviser said there “really is no equivalency” between her private email use and Hill’s private server, because her emails are boring and have all been archived on the White House system. She explained to ABC NewsDeborah Roberts:

“All of my emails that relate to any form of government work, which was mainly scheduling and logistics and managing the fact that I have a home life and a work life, are all part of the public record. They’re all stored on the White House system. So everything has been preserved, everything’s been archived.”

Despite what The Post reported, the momma of three insisted she didn’t break any rules, noting that “there’s no prohibition from using private email as long as it’s archived and as long as there’s nothing in it that’s classified.”
She went on to claim that there was “no connection” between her email situation and her father’s political rival’s, seeing that Vank’s emails were on the White House server and she had “no intent to circumvent… nor was there anything of substance,” adding:

“People who want to see it as the same see it as the same. But the fact is that we all have private emails and personal emails to coordinate with our family.”

Right, and then we have work emails to coordinate with colleagues. It’s not that hard, girl!
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The president’s daughter and adviser said that Hillary’s private email server, on the other hand, contained information marked classified by the State Department, and there were “mass deletions.” So, when Roberts asked the fashion mogul if daddy’s “lock her up” chant should apply to her, Ivanka proudly replied, “No.”
At least not for this particular email controversy.
Ch-ch-check out the clip (below) to hear Ivanka talk emails and make laughable claims that her father is trying to “lift” the country.

[Image via Dutch Press Photo/WENN/C-SPAN.]

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Nov 28, 2018 08:52am PDT