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Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl Expresses A Mother's 'Rage' At Officer Who Killed George Floyd: 'I Want Him To Be An Example Of What Happens To A Racist In This Country'

Katherine Heigl Daughter Instagram George Floyd Rage

Katherine Heigl is NOT holding back. 

The actress shared a long reflection on current events to Instagram on Sunday documenting her sadness, fear, and rage regarding the death of George Floyd at the hands of police. In particular, Heigl shared her perspective as the mother of a black daughter, (8-year-old Adalaide, whom she and husband Josh Kelley adopted in 2012). 

Related: Thomas Rhett & Lauren Akins On Racism & Raising A Black Daughter

Acknowledging that she doesn’t often use her social media to talk about “the state of our country,” she wrote: 

“But I can’t sleep. And when I do I wake with a single thought in my head. How will I tell Adalaide? How will I explain the unexplainable? How can I protect her? How can I break a piece of her beautiful divine spirit to do so? I can’t sleep. I lay in my bed in the dark and weep for every mother of a beautiful divine black child who has to extinguish a piece of their beloved baby’s spirit to try to keep them alive in a country that has too many sleeping soundly.”

Heigl highlighted her privilege, noting how different her experience as a white person was from that of her sister, who is Korean. She continued: 

“It has taken me far too long to truly internalize the reality of the abhorrent, evil despicable truth of racism. My whiteness kept it from me. My upbringing of inclusivity, love and compassion seemed normal. I thought the majority felt like I did. I couldn’t imagine a brain that saw the color of someone’s skin as anything but that. Just a color. I was naive. I was childish. I was blind to those who treated my own sister differently because of the shape of her beautiful almond eyes. Or her thick gorgeous hair. Or her golden skin. I was a child. For too long. And now I weep. Because what should have changed by now, by then, forever ago still is.”

The Grey’s Anatomy alum expressed how her feelings of hopelessness and fear “[burst] into flames of rage.” In a second post, she elaborated on that anger, stating her desire to see a “hard, ugly life in prison” for George Floyd’s killer and his fellow officers. She said: 

“I want them to pay. I want that payment to be harsh. I want it to be a painful, irrevocable consequence for their evil acts and behaviors and for those consequences to scare the shit out of every other racist still clinging to their small, stupid minded hate. … There may have been a time when I cared to try to change the mind of a racist. To show them through example and just the right words they are wrong. I don’t care anymore. … What I want is for them all to be so scared by Officer Chauvin’s consequences that they are afraid to breathe in the direction of a black man, woman or child. Let alone try to hurt them. I want them to shake in their beds at night for fear that they too could end up like Chauvin. I want him to be an example of what happens to a racist in this country.”

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She concluded the post with an eloquent reflection on her “un-Christian” emotions, writing: 

“I am aware that this rage is not very Christian of me. Or is it? Jesus got pretty damn mad at the temple. God brought the floods, the famine, the locust and the pillars of salt. Perhaps rage is part of the divine. Perhaps the heavens want our rage right now. Perhaps our rage is theirs. All I know is that I want it to end. Today. Forever. Whatever it takes.”

Damn! Well said!

Our hearts go out to Katherine and all the parents fearing for their children at a time like this. Let’s hope we can build a better world for all of them. 

Ch-ch-check out her posts (below):

[Image via Patricia Schlein/WENN/Katherine Heigl/Instagram.]

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Jun 02, 2020 09:41am PDT