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Kim Kardashian Gets Flour-Bombed By PETA Activist! May Press Charges!

Kim Kardashian Gets Flour-Bombed By PETA Activist! May Press Charges!

Gurl, we don’t blame you!
Kim Kardashian posed for pics at the launch of her new fragrance True Reflection Thursday night when out of nowhere, some crazy PETA activist jumped out and threw FLOUR all over Kim’s backside (pics above)!!
Kim totally played it cool though and was escorted off the carpet where she and her mom Kris Jenner dusted her off with a blowdryer. She later came out and joined the party, which was held for a special charity organization, Dress for Success.
The woman has yet to be identified, but Kim is actually considering pressing charges, even though at the event, she tried her best to “laugh it off.” According to Kim, she wants to send a message to this lady that she’s not going to get away with it.
This is what she had to say about the incident:

“I was laughing it off earlier and, you know, I think that is the only thing I knew how to do at the time. But I just think it is such a shame that someone like that…would ruin an event, or attempt to ruin an event, that was based around, not only my fragrance, but this organization, Dress For Success. I mean that’s what the event was about. These women flew in from all over the country to be a part of this event, that are underprivileged women, that really got the shine taken away from them a little bit. That’s why I am calling in now. I feel bad that it was kind of derailed from that.
I said earlier no I wasn’t [going to file a complaint]. I am just going to think about it, because I don’t want someone to think they can really get away with that. So we are going to handle that.
Now that I think about it and had some time to digest it, I think, ‘What if that was some other substance? What if that person had a dangerous weapon?’ It’s scary. And what’s even scarier is this woman acted as if she was a part of the press. She just came out of nowhere! And so we are definitely changing things up a little bit, amping up security, taking some measures, and…I’m gonna definitely deal with it because it is not acceptable.”

Kim definitely did the right thing by holding her head high, putting on a brave face and werqing that party for charity! The event was for an amazing cause, after all!
She did have one more thing to say though….
Calling the woman a “bully,” she later added:

“If you’re trying to promote nonviolence towards animals … why are you trying to be violent towards humans?”

At least it was only flour!!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 24, 2012 11:00am PDT

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