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Criss Angel

Non-Denial Of The Week


This is good for a chuckle!

Hugh Hefner‘s #1 “girlfriend” – Holly Madison – is speaking out about our exclusive report of her public makeout session at Vegas club Blush with Criss Angel this past weekend.

The buxom blonde took to her blog today and posted the following cryptic message:

Rumor of the Week
Current mood: amused

Or should I say Rumor of the Weak? This did come from Perez, after all . . . 🙂

Anyway, Criss and I are just friends right about now . . . I love how that totally innocent picture of us means we are not just dating but “going public” . . . the most incriminating thing in that picture is the random disembodied hand coming from camera left . . . hahahahah!

Gotta love the Perezzie. 🙂


They’re “friends right about now”???? What the hell does that mean???

Are they gonna be more than friends tomorrow????

Criss is the kind of guy that hooks up with his friends! Is Holly???

Is the lovely Miz Madison gonna deny that she was making out with him this past weekend????

We have several eyewitness accounts from VERY good sources that revealed exclusively to that Holly and Criss were kissing openly at Blush.

We stand by our story.

Care to comment on the making out, Holly????

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Sep 22, 2008 12:30pm PDT

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