Prince Harry

'Nothing Is Off Limits' In Prince Harry & Meghan Markle's Oprah Interview -- But Will It Cause More Royal Drama?

On the heels of their pregnancy announcement, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are ready to let the public in on their world — but the Royal Family may not be happy about it.

On Monday, CBS announced a new 90-minute interview, “Oprah With Meghan and Harry: A CBS Primetime Special,” would air in March. In a statement, the network revealed:

“Winfrey will speak with Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, in a wide-ranging interview, covering everything from stepping into life as a Royal, marriage, motherhood, philanthropic work to how she is handling life under intense public pressure. Later, the two are joined by Prince Harry as they speak about their move to the United States and their future hopes and dreams for their expanding family.”

Related: How Harry & Meghan Honored Princess Diana With Baby Announcement

According to Oprah’s BFF Gayle King, they really mean it when they say “wide-ranging.” She shared on CBS This Morning:

“I know she’s been working on the questions all weekend long. I’m told nothing is off limits, nothing is off limits. She can ask anything she wants.”

We assume that means questions about Megxit and their decision to step away from the Royal Family… which will likely ruffle some feathers at Buckingham Palace. It seems like that’s a risk the Sussexes are willing (and maybe even wanting?) to take, because a source for Entertainment Tonight said they didn’t check in with Queen Elizabeth before agreeing to sit down with the media mogul. The insider explained:

“The Duke and Duchess are no longer working members of the royal family and therefore any decisions they take with regard to media commitments are matters for them. As non-working members of the royal family, they are under no obligation to inform the royal household of such plans.”

So why did the ex-Royal couple decide to tell all now, a little more than a year since Megxit was announced? Per, they’ve been fighting to keep some of their patronages — and Harry’s honorary military titles — but recently realized it was a lost cause. The pair are expected to officially be stripped of their remaining royal duties by the end of March, and apparently agreed to the Oprah chat because they could “see the direction of travel” about the decision.

A source shared:

“The interview has clearly come about because there is an understanding [with Harry and Meghan] that all remaining formal links with organisations will cease to exist.”

Another source revealed that insiders have hoped the interview will allow Harry and Meg to “get whatever it is they want to say off their chests and move on.” But the British outlet suggested that the potentially explosive appearance could widen the divide between the US-based Duke and Duchess and the rest of the Royal Family, and particularly sour the already tense relationship between Harry and Prince William.

Related: Harry Is ‘Heartbroken’ By Family Tension, Claims Longtime Friend Tom Bradby

Phil Dampier, author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan In Their Own Words, told

“The Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William will be bracing themselves for a series of accusations and revelations, as will Buckingham Palace courtiers. And the sad truth at present is that Harry and Meghan, buoyed up by recent legal victories against the press, feel they have the upper hand. There is little anyone can do stop them but history tells us that royal interviews – be they [Princess] Diana‘s Panorama, Charles’s admission of adultery to Jonathan Dimbleby or Prince Andrew‘s Newsnight clash with Emily Maitlis, normally end in tears. Whether justified or not, the fear will be that the couple claim Meghan was not welcomed into the royal family, experienced a degree of racism, and was hounded by the British tabloids.”

Yeah, it seems to us that at least some of those claims definitely are justified. And why shouldn’t Harry and Meghan talk about their own experiences? In our opinion, the Royal Family is letting tradition get in the way of a good relationship with the Sussexes, more so than the other way around.

In any case, we’re definitely looking forward to this interview — we’ll be VERY interested to see what they have to say.

[Image via John Rainford/WENN/Apega]