As part of his amended suit and full timeline, Justin Baldoni made good on his threat to publicly release A LOT more behind the scenes evidence from the It Ends With Us production.
One of those pieces of evidence? The very first conversation he and Ryan Reynolds ever had! Yes, it seems a little while into the preproduction — on February 28, 2023 — Justin reached out to introduce himself to Blake Lively‘s other half in a… well, no way around it, a really massive, maudlin text. He butters up the Deadpool star so much you’d think he was about to cook him for Thanksgiving!
Look, we’re happy to give you our take on their first texts back and forth — and we have — but for the first time ever here’s the whole thing for you to read and judge yourself!
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Justin Reaches Out
Justin begins:
“Hey Ryan, Justin Baldoni here. The guy who brought his literal baggage to his meeting with your wife.”
OK, nice opener, we guess. Being self-deprecating is always a decent start. Better than tooting your own horn. He continued in that extremely reverential vein, writing:
“I asked Blake for your number well over a month ago and have wanted to text you for a while now, but my good ol’ nerves got the best of me. Emily and I have a very small circle. We live out in the country in Ojai and pretty much just hang out with each other. We’ve known all our closest friends for years, and I don’t really have any close female friends that my wife isn’t also friends with, let alone married ones. And so I guess this is just an awkward text to say I’d like to be friends. (I’m happy there’s no check yes or no box.)”
Again, at least he’s aware of how this BE MY FRIEND sentiment sounds? But he puts it in the context of saying Blake has already done the same for his spouse:
“Blake also sent the sweetest message to my wife unprompted saying something similar which just made me respect her and your union even more. I’ve been a supporter and admirer from afar of both of yours for years. You are in a class of your own, and I so appreciate the way you move through the world as a man, but also you both as a couple. Your work family balance and the way you manage to show up not just as a husband but as a father is so beautiful. I aspire to have that balance and also find myself struggling with it a lot. Your support of her doing this movie meant the world to me and, when Blake told me that one of the reasons she and you leaned in was because of ‘the love I have for my wife’ it was by far the most meaningful reason I’ve ever had someone want to work with me.”
So he’s like, hey, we’re both wife guys, right? Let’s be pals? OK, sure.
Hmm, is this where Ryan got the kernel of the idea for how Nicepool talks?
‘Late Night Texts’?
But here’s where it might raise an eyebrow for some…
“I hope my late night texts with her haven’t been too annoying and I am really looking forward to all of us spending time together.”
Sorry, what? Why are they texting late at night? Do other directors and their stars do that? Besides Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles? Huh.
Related: Olivia Wilde Hopes New Relationship Is Less Of A ‘Public Spectacle’
Justin continues:
“My family is coming for half the time (which is going to be hard for me as we haven’t spent more than a week apart in 11 years) but we will make it work and I know my kids are excited to make some new friends in yours! I’m going to do everything I can to get Blake out at least a few days earlier than before – the schedule is still being worked out. I know how important it is for you all to be together and I honor that. I can’t promise it yet but I’ll do whatever I can.”
OK, that’s more reasonable work/logistics talk. Cool. He also adds a congratulations on the new kid — but lays it on so thick again!
“And finally congrats on your gorgeous son. That kid sure won the lottery up there to get to choose you both as parents.”
Really, Justin? (Like we said, laying it on thick!)
“Ok that’s the end of my vulnerability vomit. All that to say looking forward to seeing you all and maybe we can get a workout or two in while I prep. I’m excited to work with [NAME REDACTED – PRESUMED TO BE BLAKE’S TRAINER].”
He ended with a “Much Love” and “P.S. Let me know if the offer to move in still stands.” Um… Is that last line a joke? There’s no way they really suggested that, right??
Ryan’s Reply
Ryan responded to the lengthy message in kind, and we mean kind. Talk about Nicepool! He first broke the ice with his signature humor, joking:
“Hey Justin – sorry for the delay. I’ve been in a writing cave, and the girls are sick… again. I’m told they HAVE an immune system, but it’s in beta testing.”
OK, that’s kinda cute. He then gushes:
“What a loving and generous message. Thank you. We’re both looking forward to getting to know you and your family better. We’re also big fans over here. Since before we met, and more-so after. You’ve been a wonderful collaborator with B, and that meant a great deal — to both of us. Being a stand-up person is everything, and you’ve been just that since day one. Thank you.”
So weird to read how much of a lovefest this was at the start, right?
Laying The Groundwork?
This next part is sweet… but it could also maybe be read as manipulative and Machiavellian, too? Ryan starts gushing about Blake:
“You’ve hit the jackpot with B. She literally passes on every film and filmmaker all the time. But I know one thing — and I speak from a deep wellspring of experience here, having her in your court behind the scenes, as a creative, is invaluable. I’m certain [NAME REDACTED] would say the same. Some of the greatest creative decisions ‘I’ve’ made are in fact Blake. The same goes for [NAME REDACTED].”
Ooh. Some believe that redacted name is Taylor Swift. Another “creative” close to Blake, right?
“The acting is a small piece of a pretty astounding patchwork quilt of creativity. More than anything, I rely on her taste. Far beyond movies, I really [sic] on her taste for all aspects of my businesses. That multidimensional creative output is something I can see in BOTH of you. I’m excited for her to crack open her creative piggy bank with someone as dynamic as you. This is gonna be INCREDIBLE.”
Hmm. So is this a man supporting and talking up his wife? Or is this Ryan throwing hints hard and early that Blake wants creative control?
“And thank you for understanding what it means to me personally to have my family reunited as soon as possible. Nothing means more to her either, I can promise you. We’re hardwired for keeping our family together. It’s how to win us, and also how to kill us when we can’t. We never split up. Ever. It was a huge thing for us on this film. I tried to push our start date, but Marvel booked studios last July, and [NAME REDACTED – QUITE POSSIBLY HUGH JACKMAN]’s timing was locked. I’ve been frantically smashing out my third pass of the script to address structural changes but mostly to get our budget down and shorten the shoot, so I can fly back with the girls when school starts.”
Wow. Kind of crazy to see Ryan talking about prioritizing his family time over even a billion dollar Marvel movie! But Justin was also about to be asked to prioritize Ryan’s family.
The Favor…
Ryan continued:
“We see and appreciate that you already moved significantly to make it work with her schedule because of the film she’d already committed to. Which thankfully, she was able to gracefully punt (she tried before but didn’t share how hard). All this to say, I’d have your line producer’s face tattooed to my perineum if he/she/they can figure out how to start two weeks earlier. Completely understand how big of an ask that is. But the perineum is one of the most nervy parts of the human body to expose to trauma. So…”
No wonder Ryan was being so sweet! WHAT A HUGE ASK! For those who don’t know, even moving a production by the smallest amount is a logistical nightmare because of all the dozens if not hundreds of workers, the booked locations, the rented equipment, all of which every other production in town wants… It’s like asking someone to move up their destination wedding by two weeks!
Ryan ends his message with:
“Looking forward to seeing you. And thank you again for all you’re doing. I happen to adore you, Justin. This is the sweetest.”
Okay! So either he sincerely meant it all, or he saw Baldoni laying it on thick and said two can play that game!
What do YOU think of these messages? Is Justin trying to climb the social ladder with all that flattery? Is Ryan giving a spoonful of sugar just to ask for a huge favor? Is he trying to push Blake as a producer more and more? Let us know below!
[Image via MEGA/WENN & Sony/YouTube.]