Yes, Sansa Stark’s hair is a wig in the final season of Game Of Thrones. But when you hear the alternative, we think you’ll agree it was the only call.
In an interview with InStyle this week, Sophie Turner revealed some G.O.Tea we probably won’t be able to unsee while rewatching the show.
Video: Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser
For the last few seasons she hasn’t been allowed to wash her hair!
When asked about the rumor the men of Thrones weren’t allowed to shampoo to achieve a look of authentic medieval grime, Sophie confirmed, when her character got to Winterfell, she got hit with a stark new reality:
“Well, for the first few seasons I was allowed to wash my hair because I was an aristocratic young girl. Towards season 5 they started asking me to not wash my hair and it was really disgusting. Now I wear I wig so I can wash my hair whenever I want, which is nice. But yes, for a couple of years I was living with pretty greasy hair.”
Ew ew ewwwww!
Between that and dying it back and forth from her natural blonde to red (and black that one time), you can see why she’s opting for a wig these days. LOLz!
Sophie also spilled on who has the most intensive hair routine on the show:
“Kit Harington. He probably takes the most care of his hair out of like everyone on the show I know. He’s obsessed. Before red carpets you would always see him scrunching the ends of his curls to make sure they’re perfect. We all take the piss out on him for that.”
Hey, guess what? It’s working! LOLz!
[Image via Game Of Thrones/YouTube.]