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Our Favorite Twi-Hard Watches The New Breaking Dawn Trailer!

And we just want to give her a hug!

Meet our favorite Twi-Hard! Every time a new trailer for the Twilight film saga releases, we quickly click over to her page to see her reaction. She loves those vamps and wolves so much you guys! Such a true fan!

As the new Breaking Dawn trailer debuted yesterday (watch it HERE), we made sure to check in with our Twi-Hard this morning to see her reaction. It wasn’t what we were initially expecting, but it wasn’t THAT surprising, to say the least.

Check out the video (above) to this Twilight fan burst into TEARS of mixed emotions over the trailer!

It’s going to be alright, sweetie! All good things must come to an end! Just think about what all the poor Harry Potter fans are doing right now!

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Jun 06, 2011 17:45pm PDT

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