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Twitter Turns 7! #HappyBirthdayTwitter!

Holy hashtag!
Has it really been SEVEN years since Twitter fluttered into our lives?!
How did people even FUNCTION before its existence, LOLzz!
To celebrate this momentous occasion, Twitter’s peeps released an adorable short video chronicling the microblogging site’s growth since its inception.
Ch-ch-check out the charming visuals (above)!
Goodness, what a cold world it must have been where internet-connected humans couldn’t concisely regale the world with every wish, whim, and witty insight (of 140 characters or less) that passed through their heads…
And just think of all those JUICY celebrity rants and heated feuds we would have missed if that bluebird had never been born! HA!!
Sending so many hearts to you guys over at Twitter! Happy Birthday!

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Mar 21, 2013 19:21pm PDT

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