Aye dios mio!!!!
Wentworth Miller is making us feel all tingly on the cover of Out 100…
…and when he opens up that pretty little mouth of his we only fall deeper and deeper in love!!!
After coming out as a gay man earlier this year in protest against the horrific anti-LGBT laws in Russia, Wentworth is continuing to use his star power to call attention to the struggles of being openly gay and his subsequent suicide attempt.
Wentworth said:
“I remember carrying around deep feelings of shame after I tried to kill myself, feeling like I’d stumbled or failed life’s exam. That I was now ‘damaged goods.’ What I would say to that younger self — what I’d say to anyone who’s walked a similar road — is to focus less on the fact that you nearly ended your life and more on the fact that you survived, that you lived to tell the tale. And then tell it. I’d say, ‘What you think of as scars are medals. They’re badges of honor, testifying to something inside you that is determined and tenacious and enduring.”
This guy isn’t just lickable eye candy, he’s also seriously brave!
We’re SO proud to call him an ally in the fight for LGBT acceptance and equality!!!!
Keep doing what you’re doing, baby – preferably without a shirt! LOLz!
[Image via Out.]