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Woman Allegedly IMPERSONATED A Nurse & Cared For Dozens Of Patients At Multiple Hospitals!

Woman Arrested For Allegedly Impersonating A Nurse & Caring For Dozens Of Patients At TWO California Hospitals!

A woman in California has been arrested for one of the strangest crimes we’ve ever heard of… pretending to do a really tough job!

Back on November 7, Amanda Leeann Porter (pictured above, in her mugshot) was arrested in the city of Burbank. In a statement released to local media outlets, the Burbank PD claimed staffers at the city’s Saint Joseph Medical Center called the cops on their “nurse” — after realizing her nursing credentials were fraudulent.

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Now, police claim that Porter — who is originally from Virginia — applied months ago to a nursing job at the hospital with a phony license. She was hired, and between April 8 and May 8 (!) she cared for as many as 60 different patients (!!) before hospital administrators realized she was impersonating an actual registered nurse who did not live in California.


In their statement to the media, the police noted how successful the 44-year-old had been at carrying out her alleged fraud:

“By the time Porter was terminated, she received two paychecks for the time she was fraudulently employed.”

Two paychecks?! And caring for as many as 60 different patients over the span of a month?? WTF is going on in that hospital’s HR department??

But that’s not all! Porter is accused of doing the exact same thing at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital in the city of Santa Clarita, as well! The police explained:

“During this investigation, detectives learned that Porter continued to obtain employment with various local hospitals using a variety of false identities.”

According to People, Porter had been previously arrested in Santa Clarita before being released on bond. She was then picked up earlier this month in Burbank. Now she’s facing charges of felony identity theft, felony false impersonation, and felony grand theft. Last Thursday, she officially pleaded not guilty to all those charges.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón released a scathing statement about Porter’s alleged actions, too:

“Ms. Porter’s alleged actions are deeply troubling and egregious as she deceived patients and medical professionals alike, betraying the trust of those who rely on our medical community in their most vulnerable time of need. We acknowledge the profound distress that this situation may have caused those who were treated by the defendant. Our office will work relentlessly to hold this individual accountable and ensure that justice is served.”

Amazingly, Porter’s alleged fraud may go even deeper than all that. According to the Los Angeles Times, she is on federal probation for another fraud violation back in Virginia. In that case, a woman identified in court documents as Amanda Porter-Eley previously pleaded guilty to impersonating a nurse and committing bank fraud. Per the US Department of Justice via the Times, Porter-Eley worked as a nursing supervisor at a Virginia hospital for six months without a license between 2015 and 2016 while fraudulently using an actual registered nurse’s identity. She also pled guilty to opening bank accounts in the real nurse’s name beginning in September 2015, and taking out loans totaling nearly $450,000.

The Burbank PD would not confirm if the Virginia case involving Amanda Porter-Eley and these new allegations involving Amanda Leeann Porter concern the same woman. However, per the Times, the ages in court filings across both states match, and prior Virginia court documents have used both names.


Per People, Porter is currently being held without bail on the Burbank charges. Considering the scope of the fraud, and the possible connection to the prior Virginia incident from nearly a decade ago, the Burbank PD is now asking for the public’s help to determine whether she may have been employed at even more SoCal hospitals in recent months or years.

Absolutely wild. And so unnerving… We have to wonder, if she was unqualified, how did she keep these jobs for more than a week before being found out??

[Image via Burbank Police Department]

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Nov 18, 2024 15:00pm PDT