WFSB 3 Connecticut
Is it just us, or should Chuck E. Cheese be a place where a kid could be a kid — WITHOUT violence!?!?!? Sheesh!!
Connecticut woman, Tawana Bourne was arrested on Monday night after she allegedly pulled out a “brandished a .380 semiautomatic handgun and chambered a round” while she was in a heated argument with a woman at CEC.
Apparently Bourne’s son pushed the woman’s daughter off a ride, which then led her to pull out her gun.
After the mishap, Chuck E. Cheese released a statement. It reads:
“In all of our stores around the country we display very visible signs prohibiting entry with weapons or firearms without exception. While the patron in question has a valid State of Connecticut pistol permit, she was in clear violation of this order on private property and our staff acted accordingly.”
Fortunately no one was hurt, but taking into account that something cray could’ve gone down, police charged Tawana with risk of injury to children, reckless endangerment, threatening and breach of peace. She also had to pay $50,000 bond to get out jail, which she did, and now she’s out walking the streets again.
Want more deets about this TERRIFYING occurrence?!? Peep the video (above)!!
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