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Airbrushed Kelly Osbourne Makes Charity Mad!


We can’t say we disagree.

A few months ago, Kelly Osbourne signed on to become the spokesperson for a spray-on tan firm, St Tropez and even filmed a commercial for the product. A UK charity organization called The Prince’s Trust supported her campaign and used images from it as part of a self-esteem ad they were running.

Now, the charity is dropping Kelly as they have received numerous complaints stating that the ads used were digitally altered and airbrushed to make her look thinner and don’t adhere to the message.

A spokesperson from the UK organization PinkStinks released a statement, saying:

“When we first saw the video we were gobsmacked. There are so many damaging and mixed messages. They are talking about self-esteem and then there are pictures of Kelly Osbourne airbrushed to within an inch of her life…To have those messages endorsed by a high-profile charity seemed very wrong.”

This is one for instance where recycling is no good! Should have taken the time to reshoot Kelly in au natural. Girl is lovely, she doesn’t need any airbrushing!

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 27, 2010 11:30am PDT

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