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Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes' Meltdown Means Up To Two Weeks On Psychiatric Hold!

amanda bynes psychiatric hold two weeks

Amanda Bynes is FINALLY getting some help!

After a long, lonnnng string of bizarre episodes from New York to El Lay, Amanda’s 5150 psychiatric hold could legally last up to two weeks if mental health experts think it’s necessary.

Bong-tossing and hit-and-running aside, between Sunday’s alleged trespassing and supposed makeshift gas bomb building, we’re guessing there is a good chance they’ll want to keep her under their care for as long as possible.

In fact, we think authorities would be wrong not to because if dousing your dog with toxic gasoline doesn’t prove you’re a danger to others AND yourself, then we don’t know what would!

Then again, what do we know???! LOLz!

We just know some sort of forced intervention NEEDED TO HAPPEN.

Here’s to hoping this is just the beginning of Amanda’s recovery.

[Image via Twitter.]

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Jul 24, 2013 11:16am PDT

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